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Vanity Fair Lingerie


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Happy International Women's Day

Vanity Fair Lingerie® is a brand that is focused on empowering all women, and with women making up the majority of our workforce, we value the significant contributions women make every day.

Today, we recognize International Women's Day as a global day to celebrate all the remarkable achievements women have made in our world, from our fans to the women who lead the Vanity Fair brand. Those who inspire, mentor, and who continue to build a better today, tomorrow, and future for all women.

In honor of International Women's Day we're proud to highlight a few of the women who make our brand better every day.

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"I believe that as a designer it is important to create beautiful, well-fitting intimate apparel for women of all sizes and from all walks of life."

- Natalie Weirtz, Bra Designer

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"The message of empowering women that vanity fair has established through history and continues to do so is what I love most about the brand."

- Whitney Davis, eCommerce Site Manager

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"My dream would be to return all women the right to feel empowered, independent, strong, valuable and of course assure them that they alone are more than enough."

- Melissa Montoya, Training Head

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"Meeting goals within deadlines motivates me because it provides me a sense of success and allows me to look back and say: I did that."

- Charlotte Hixon, Quality Control Supervisor

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"I'm proud to be in a position that allows me to work with people from different cultures and backgrounds."

- Maria Casana, Sr. Director, Planning

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"My sister has always said, "You've got this," which gave me the confidence to move forward. She encouraged, supported and believed in me and gave me confidence to face any challenges."

- Lisa Black, HR Manager

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"I am inspired daily by the women I work with on the Vanity Fair brand. They are driven, strong, and true leaders."

- Bella Tawasha, Merchandising Assistant

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