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Vanity Fair Lingerie


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Vanity Fair & Leanne Morgan

Vanity Fair Lingerie

Support Award Winners

At Vanity Fair, our support doesn’t stop at bras. That’s why we’ve partnered with comedian Leanne Morgan on her Just Getting Started tour to support women across the country who are just getting started themselves.

As part of our support, we launched the Vanity Fair Lingerie Support Award program. We’re awarding five women $5,000 each to help them start something new. Meet our winners below!

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"My son, Red, was born with bilateral clubfeet and began corrective treatment at 4 weeks old. I quickly realized the need for more functional clothing options for these little babies. When it comes to accomplishing your dreams, everyone starts somewhere, but the important part is just to START."

- Kylie Clark, Chasing Red Clothing Co.

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"I didn't get my Culinary degree until my daughter was in college herself. I know we all have our families, kids, jobs, and other obligations, we put our hopes, dreams, and passions on the back burner. While watching others do what we wish we could do; I want to encourage you to write the book, open the restaurant, and go after what you want the world to know about you."

- Teresa Martin, Certified Chef

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"I want other women to hear my story and realize that they can do what I have done. They can ask themselves what do I want? They can design a life that they love. They can forge their own path as an entrepreneur and have massive success just like me. If I can do it, they can too."

- Tracy Beavers, Business/Sales Coach

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"I hope to give our community an experience of viewing items that they rarely get access to and to give them a place where they know they can directly support another family or individual."

- Christy Houser, Business Owner

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"In October of 2021 my friend Ashley and I launched Scandal Water Podcast: Peculiar Stories of the Stage, Screen and Everything in Between. We had no idea what we were taking on when we embarked on this journey, but we have managed to push through every obstacle, either through our own initiative or by taking advantage of the resources around us- which in some cases, are the talents and skills of our wonderful friends!"

- Candy Thomas, Scandal Water Podcast Host


Top 10 First Prize Winners

  1. Susan Campbell

  2. Rachel Heidrick

  3. Debra Flickinger

  4. Juli Miller

  5. Melanie Russell

  6. Melanie Russell

  7. Fallon Presley-Armstrong

  8. Sarah D’Amico

  9. Michan Lara

  10. Gunna Bergsveinsdottir

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